"Paul Parkes (Merewether, NSW) showed the same prowess he showed back in 2013 when he won the Over-35 Mens Australian Title, posting the only perfect ten-point ride of the event. The Novocastrian surfboard shaper unleashed a...
Board Model Articles

Cath up on the latest news
3P Surfboards board shaper and our latest board model the 24/7 ride to 3rd place in the HIF NSW Surfmasters championships
What a great way to test out our newest board model the 24/7. This all round short board is ideal for 1 foot beach breaks to 6 foot reefs...hence the name AND boy can I say it performed during a weekend of pumping waves for the HIF NSW Surfmasters competition....
Introducing The Wonkey Donkey
The Wonky Donkey, a go to board for summer shredding.
Philippa Anderson wins ASP Quicksilver trials
We've just returned from the Gold Coast where team rider Philippa Anderson was in theASP Quicksilver Pro trials. Philippas riding White Noise, one of our summer 2014 models. For recent info on Philippa Anderson go to the ASP Page 3P...